Be packed and ready like a military personnel.


A fascinating story of a traveler!


Traveling! How this addiction made me realize the value of my work is a great thing about this article. The spotlight is not only on what we do but it’s value when the situation arrives. I’ve shared a short story about an experience that inspired me to write this article.

Hello there!

Are you a Veteran or a Civilian? Or someone audacious looking for a galvanizing trip to some cold remote isolated place or is it Death Valley your heading to? Well, you know that it’s going to be a tough journey and there will be a lot of struggle on the way. From climatic conditions to your vehicle getting punctured in the middle of the night and it feels like an abyss as far as you see. From no man’s land to no fuel station for miles. Getting into a fight with a stranger to get sick and looking for emergency services. Traveling solo or with a group, no matter what type of trip you are planning. We provide tough military essentials for any journey and for all your needs as we believe that everyone deserves a chance to fight no matter what situation you are in, for never to think that this circumstance is because of your intrepid propensity to travel. The conditions you will face, where you know the extremities, become ineluctable. But being already prepared and taking precautions is what we call a fight back chance for any situation. Likewise, the Army-Navy gets Life-saving necessities for every situation from the government, only made to serve its purpose. Is what you get from us. We provide only genuine quality Army products to serve all life resurrectional needs and we give you our word of honor. 

Okay, let me not sound like justifying my work here, but the situation and a degree of inclination to face them. Let me tell you a quick short and intense story of one personal experience. I insist you read this!

Since I started saving for this trip there has not even been a single day when I haven’t thought of camping along Galbraith Lake (A glacial lake along Dalton Highway in Fairbanks, Alaska), and trekking to the Brooks Range (A mountain range near Galbraith Lake) which is almost 150 miles of trek more or less, depends on the path you take, known to be 126 million years old. It was a formidable decision to camp and trek in that extreme where there are no emergency services for Hundreds of miles and the temperature goes below -9 Degree Celsius at night. But, I knew that it would be a life-changing experience into the vastness of nature. Simulating my thoughts to reality I began my journey at Milepost F 73.1 on the Elliot Highway for Alaska Route 11 also called the Dalton Highway. A 414 miles long road connecting Livengood, Alaska to Prudhoe Bay in the far north. named after the engineer James W. Dalton was made in 1974 as a supply route for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. I reached the lake after 280 miles in 8 hours around 06:00 PM. I carried all my camping and trekking essentials so I left my Land Rover there and started almost immediately. I was only able to cover 120 miles of land in 40 hours up and down, being not able to reach Brooks was a big disappointment. I think you guys have already assumed what would have been a detrimental surprise when I came back to Galbraith Lake. Yes, It was gone! Except for what I was carrying, everything that I had was gone with my Land Rover Discovery. Huh!! Now what? I’m a very adventurous guy and I have been in many situations alike. But this was extreme like I wanted it to be, the only difference was that I lost something. I can say that I am very presumptuous when it comes to these situations, So I did what I was supposed to with whatever I had with me. I took colored prints from Google Maps of this whole 600 miles of the area including the highway so I knew what I am into. I am venturesome so I took my audacity to another level by not going to the nearest Airstrip, the Galbraith Lake Airport which was very close. After spending my night there, because I reached the lake around 10:00 PM after 1 and 1/2 day of trekking, I started walking along the road resolutely. Till I reached the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Pump Station 2 at 86.3 miles. Camping alongside the road from 07:00 PM to 08:00 AM I reached there in 3 days. Took a drive back to Coldfoot, Alaska, and an Air Taxi back home from Coldfoot Airport

From my Rucksack to my Boots and clothes, camping essentials to arranging fire and food in that extreme, everything was top-notch military-grade quality. The only thing that I had to arrange was food and fire because it needs preparation. I will never forget this trip of a lifetime at least in this life. There were only three things to be taken care of, to survive. Food, protection from the cold, shelter for the night. I would say that I didn’t just survive but I burgeoned through. I have planned for the most bizzare uncertainties too, but it was only the loss that kept bothering me. With the gears that I was carrying to everything needed for survival, I had them all. After getting back home, I’ve spent a great deal pondering how ductile everything, in terms of survival, was.

Since the start of this pandemic, COVID-19 has actually forced us to work hard, to make things available at best services possible. We have seen a substantial increase in our sales. We’ve researched and concluded that because of lockdown, folks got more than enough time to study the subject traveling, it’s technicalities and necessities. Knowledge which is needed to be a professional traveller or hiker. Arranging all the resources for any circumstance and understanding their use. How to be prepared from all the sides like I was. But still, informing you never to repeat the mistake I made. “Never ever leave your car alone in such places”. It is probably easy to find a stolen car in a normal place but in places like Alaska, it’s impossible!I have given a list of gears and stuff, to give you a vague idea about Quality, Toughness, Reliability, and Convenience of everything that we sell.

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